

2018年07月11日 4521人阅读 返回文章列表

结肠镜前的肠道准备是让很多患者感觉最为痛苦的过程之一,那么有没有什么办法可以让患者提高肠道准备的完成率、改善患者对肠道准备过程的满意度呢?长海医院消化内科方军博士、王树玲博士、符宏宇医生等进行了一项临床研究,在肠道准备时给患者咀嚼口香糖,取得了不错的效果,这项研究已经发表在美国消化内镜学会(American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy)的官方期刊《消化内镜》(Gastrointestinal Endoscopy),有兴趣的患者可以去阅读了解一下。上海长海医院消化内科柏愚


Impact of gum chewing on the quality of bowel preparation


Post written by Yu Bai, MD, PhD, from the Department of Gastroenterology, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China.

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is widely used for bowel preparation; however, it is reported that up to 20 to 25% of patients have inadequate bowel preparation, so the methods to improve the quality of bowel preparation are being investigated extensively. From surgical literature, it is suggested that gum chewing can accelerate the gastrointestinal tract motility and reduce postoperative ileus. Therefore, we tried to determine the effect of gum chewing on bowel preparation for colonoscopy in addition to PEG. In a single-center, randomized controlled trial, 300 consecutive patients undergoing colonoscopy were randomized to a gum group or control group. The results indicated gum chewing cannot improve the quality of bowel preparation for colonoscopy, but it can improve patients’ satisfaction towards the process of bowel preparation and does not have negative effects on cleanliness.

Inadequate bowel preparation is frequently seen in clinical practice, and it is associated with missed adenomas, repeated procedures, and increased medical costs. It is very important to further improve the efficacy of PEG to reduce the occurrence of inadequate bowel preparation.

For the primary endpoint, this was a negative study because gum chewing cannot increase the quality of bowel preparation, which was measured by BBPS. However, more patients in the gum chewing group completed the whole process of bowel preparation and felt more satisfied towards the process of bowel preparation; therefore, gum chewing may play a role in bowel preparation in addition to PEG intake. As the protocol of gum chewing before colonoscopy is not standardized, future studies shall investigate if increasing the number or shortening the interval of gum chewing will be more beneficial.

Find the article abstract here.

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