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Myeloid Growth Factors骨髓生长因子

NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2016

Discussion 讨论

Benefits and Risks of MGFs 骨髓生长因子的获益与风险

There are several circumstances in which MGFs are incorporated into cancer regimens to improve the care of patients. MGFs are used in the prophylactic and therapeutic treatment of FN as well as in the hematopoietic cell transplant setting for mobilization and supportive care. MGFs may also be used for the treatment of severe chronic neutropenia.

Studies showed that the prophylactic use of MGFs reduced the incidence, length, and severity of chemotherapy-related neutropenia in small cell lung cancer, breast cancer, sarcoma, solid tumors, non-small cell lung cancer, and NHL. Additionally, the benefit of GM-CSF therapy was seen in the treatment of myeloid malignancies. MGFs improved the delivery of full dose-intensity chemotherapy on schedule, although this has not been shown to lead to better response or higher overall survival (OS) in most studies. However, in node-positive breast cancer and aggressive lymphoma, dose-dense regimens supported by MGFs improved disease-free survival and/or OS compared to conventional chemotherapy.

Meta-analyses confirmed the efficacy of prophylactic MGFs in decreasing rates of infection and risk of neutropenia. The meta-analysis from Clark et al included 13 studies, in which 6 studies involved treatment of patients with G-CSF; 6 studies involved treatment of patients with GM-CSF; and one 3-arm study included G-CSF, GM-CSF, or a placebo in the treatment. In total, 1518 patients were evaluated for overall mortality, infection-related mortality, length of hospitalization, and time to neutrophil recovery. While overall mortality did not appear to reach statistical significance (odds ratio [OR], 0.68; 95% CI, 0.43–1.08; P = .10), the infection-related mortality had a borderline significant benefit with the use of MGFs (OR, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.26–1.00; P = .05). A clear reduction in the length of hospitalization (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.63; 95% CI, 0.49–0.82; P = .0006) and time to neutrophil recovery (HR = 0.32; 95% CI, 0.23–0.46; P < .0001) was observed with the addition of MGFs.
Meta分析证实了预防性骨髓生长因子在降低感染率和中性粒细胞减少症风险方面的疗效。克拉克等的meta分析包括13项研究,其中6项研究包括G-CSF治疗的患者;6项研究包括GM-CSF治疗的患者;和一项3组研究包括G-CSF、GM-CSF或安慰剂治疗。总计1518例患者可评价总死亡率、感染相关死亡率、住院时间和至中性粒细胞恢复的时间。而总死亡率似乎没有达到统计学意义(比值比[OR],0.68;95% CI,0.77–0.92;P = 0.10),感染相关死亡率使用骨髓生长因子具有边缘显著受益(OR,0.51;95% CI,0.26–1.00;P =0.05)。外加骨髓生长因子观察到明显减少住院天数(危险比[HR]= 0.63;95% CI,0.49–0.82;P =0.0006)和中性粒细胞恢复时间(HR = 0.32;95% CI,0.23–0.46;P<0.0001)。

In a systematic review of 17 randomized trials of prophylactic G-CSFs, including 3493 adult patients with solid tumors and lymphoma, G-CSF as primary prophylaxis reduced the risk of FN (relative risk [RR], 0.54; 95% CI, 0.43–0.67; P < .001) and improved the relative dose intensity of the chemotherapy delivered with an average difference between study arms of 8.4% (P = .001). For the first time, this analysis also reported a substantial reduction in risk of infection-related mortality (RR, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.33–0.90; P = .018) and of early death during chemotherapy (RR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.43–0.83; P = .002). The survival advantage was confirmed in a systematic review by Lyman et al of 25 randomized controlled trials that involved more than 12,000 patients undergoing chemotherapy with or without G-CSF support. With an average follow-up of 5 years, G-CSF was associated with a 3.40% and 0.90 reduction in absolute risk and RR for all-cause mortality, respectively, although an increased risk for AML and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) was observed (see later discussion). The degree of benefit correlated with the chemotherapy dose intensity.
17个预防性G-CSF随机试验的一项系统评价中,包括3493例成年实体瘤和淋巴瘤患者,G-CSF作为主要预防措施降低中性粒细胞减少性发热风险(相对危险[RR],0.54;95% CI,0.43–0.67;P<0.001)和提高化疗实施的相对剂量强度,研究组之间平均差异8.4%(P = 0.001)。首次分析也报告大幅度降低感染相关死亡率风险(RR,0.55;95% CI,0.33–0.90;P = 0.018)和化疗期间的早期死亡(RR,0.60;95% CI,0.43–0.83;P =0.002)。莱曼等对25项随机对照试验包括超过12000例接受化疗加或不加G-CSF支持的患者进行的一项系统评价确认了生存优势。平均随访5年,G-CSF与分别降低全因死亡绝对风险和相对危险度3.40%和0.90相关,虽然观察到对于AML和骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)风险增加(稍后讨论)。受益程度与化疗剂量强度相关。

Several randomized trials have also demonstrated improved outcomes with the prophylactic use of tbo-filgrastim for the prevention of FN. One trial randomized 348 patients with breast cancer receiving docetaxel/doxorubicin therapy to tbo-filgrastim, filgrastim, or placebo. Tbo-filgrastim was equivalent to filgrastim and superior to placebo in reducing the duration of severe neutropenia and incidence of FN. Two other randomized studies of patients with lung cancer and NHL receiving chemotherapy also reported similar efficacy of tbo-filgrastim and filgrastim. Toxicities were similar between the 2 agents. A meta-analysis of the 3 trials concluded tbo-filgrastim to be non-inferior to filgrastim for the reduced incidence of FN, irrespective of the myelotoxicity of the chemotherapy regimen. Studies in healthy subjects demonstrated similar pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles.

In addition to improved outcome, MGFs have associated toxicity risks that have been reported (see Toxicity Risks with Myeloid Growth Factors in the algorithm). Similar toxicities to filgrastim are expected for pegfilgrastim and filgrastim biosimilars, although not all toxicities have been reported with each preparation. To date, the main consistently observed toxicity associated with G-CSF therapy is mild to moderate bone pain in 10% to 30% of patients. This is usually effectively controlled by non-narcotic analgesics. The meta-analysis by Kuderer et al confirmed a heightened risk of musculoskeletal pain associated with MGFs (RR, 4.03; 95% CI, 2.15–7.52; P < .001).
已报道,骨髓生长因子除了改善预后外,也与毒性风险相关(见工作步骤中的骨髓生长因子毒性风险)。预期非格司亭与培非格司亭和非格司亭生物类似物的毒性相似,虽然已报道每个制剂并无所有的毒性。迄今为止,G-CSF治疗一致观察到的主要毒性是10%-30%的患者轻中度骨痛。非麻醉镇痛药通常可有效控制。Kuderer等的meta分析证实,与骨髓生长因子相关的肌肉骨骼痛的风险更高(RR,4.03;95% CI,2.15–7.52;P<0.001).

There have also been reports of rare cases of splenic rupture with G-CSF usage, some of which were fatal. These cases occurred in patients and healthy donors in the hematopoietic cell transplantation setting. Some patients develop allergic reactions involving the skin, the respiratory system, or the cardiovascular system (filgrastim only). Other warnings from the prescribing information include acute respiratory distress syndrome, alveolar hemorrhage, and hemoptysis. Sickle cell crisis, sometimes fatal, has been reported in patients with sickle cell disease, but not for patients with sickle cell trait. Worsening of amyloidosis following G-CSF administration has been reported; however, this is based on two case reports in patients who were already prone to life-threatening complications.

Pulmonary toxicity has been reported following the use of G-CSFs for patients with Hodgkin lymphoma undergoing bleomycin-containing chemotherapy, especially ABVD (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine). An increased risk of bleomycin pulmonary toxicity has been reported with G-CSF use for this disease in a retrospective study of 141 patients. In a systematic review of case reports by Azoulay and colleagues, 70 cases of G-CSF–related pulmonary toxicity were identified in neutropenic patients with cancer. Thirty-six patients had received bleomycin, but the majority of patients with NHL had also received drugs known to induce pulmonary toxicity (cyclophosphamide and/or methotrexate). The toxicity potential for patients following the BEACOPP (bleomycin, etoposide, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone) regimen is more unclear, although bleomycin is given every 3 weeks in this regimen as opposed to every 2 weeks in ABVD. Conversely, an increase in bleomycin pulmonary toxicity has not been reported with G-CSF use in bleomycin-containing testicular cancer chemotherapy regimens. Due to the controversy of G-CSF use during bleomycin-containing chemotherapy, clinicians should be highly alert to signs and symptoms of this complication. The routine use of G-CSF is not recommended in conjunction with the most common chemotherapy regimens for classical Hodgkin lymphoma (ABVD and Stanford V). Furthermore, two studies have shown that ABVD can be safely administered at full dose without G-CSF support. However, due to the high incidence of toxicity and treatment delays, G-CSF support is recommended for patients with Hodgkin lymphoma treated with the escalated BEACOPP regimen.
已报道在接受含博莱霉素尤其是ABVD(阿霉素、博莱霉素、长春花碱和达卡巴嗪)化疗的霍奇金淋巴瘤患者使用G-CSF后发生肺毒性。一项141例患者的回顾性研究已报道G-CSF用于该疾患博莱霉素肺毒性风险增加。阿祖莱及其同事进行的一项病例报告系统回顾,在粒细胞缺乏的癌症患者中确定70例G-CSF相关肺毒性。36例患者接受了博莱霉素,但是大多数NHL患者同时还接受了已知引起肺毒性的药物(环磷酰胺和/或氨甲蝶呤)。在BEACOPP(博莱霉素、依托泊苷、多柔比星、环磷酰胺、长春新碱、丙卡巴肼和泼尼松)方案后患者的潜在肺毒性更不清楚,尽管与ABVD中的每2周1次完全不同,该方案中博莱霉素每3周给予1次。相反,尚无报告在含博莱霉素的睾丸癌化疗方案中G-CSF的使用增加博莱霉素肺毒性。由于在含博莱霉素化疗期间G-CSF的使用存在争议,临床医生应高度警惕该并发症的症状与体征。对于经典霍奇金淋巴瘤,不推荐常规使用G-CSF联合最常见的化疗方案(ABVD和Stanford V)。此外,两项研究均证明在没有G-CSF支持的情况下可安全足量给予ABVD。不过,对于接受剂量递增BEACOPP方案治疗的霍奇金淋巴瘤患者,由于毒性反应发生率高和治疗延迟,推荐G-CSF支持。

Adverse events have also been reported with GM-CSF. An early study of patients with advanced malignancy evaluated side effects following administration of GM-CSF. Adverse reactions were seen in 65% of these patients, though they were not severe and were reversible. These reactions included mild myalgias, facial flushing, low-grade fever, headache, bone discomfort, nausea, and dyspnea. A side-effect profile of GM-CSF, completed several years later, reported a lower rate of 20% to 30% mild-to-moderate adverse events, and attributed this decline to improved dosing and delivery.

Though uncommon, significant side effects have been reported for GM-CSF. Less than 1% of patients will develop blood clots. Though blood clots rarely lead to pulmonary embolism or stroke, these life-threating conditions are possible. There have been reports in clinical trials of capillary leak syndrome, a condition in which fluids move from the vascular system into the interstitial space resulting in hypotension and reduced blood flow to internal organs. While this is more common with GM-CSF, it has also been reported to occur with G-CSF therapy.

Although there have been suggestions of a potentially increased risk for AML/MDS with MGF administration from epidemiologic studies, this was not observed in individual randomized trials. The meta-analysis by Lyman et al reported an increase in absolute risk and RR for AML/MDS of 0.41% and 1.92, respectively, related to G-CSF. It is not possible from this meta-analysis to determine whether the risk for AML/MDS is secondary to G-CSF or related to the higher total doses of chemotherapy. As discussed above, overall mortality was nevertheless decreased. These data mirror an earlier report based on the SEER database that showed an elevated risk of developing AML/MDS in patients with either G-CSF or GM-CSF therapy. One caveat of the study was that it could not exclude the possibility that the increase was due to the use of growth factors in cases that were more likely to progress into AML/MDS, regardless of the presence or absence of adjuvant therapy.

The recommendations in the NCCN Myeloid Growth Factors Guidelines are based on therapeutic efficacy and clinical benefit of treatment. However, in addition to evaluating the clinical benefits and risks of MGF therapy, an increasing number of studies have assessed the financial implications of its use. Over the last decade, the costs of inpatient hospitalization have escalated, changing the risk threshold on a pure cost basis from 40% to approximately 20%. Economic analyses of MGFs have yielded mixed results, depending on the context of usage. While the addition of MGFs to treatment regimens inevitably raises the drug cost, it may actually equate to substantial savings in comparison to the cost of hospitalization and subsequent treatment of neutropenia.