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隆胸后的感染是罕见的,发生在1 - 3%的病例。 他们通常是由细菌引起的皮肤菌群,尤其是金黄色葡萄球菌和coagulase-negative葡萄球菌。 有罕见的报道乳房植入物感染非典型分枝杆菌引起的。
Infection after breast augmentation is uncommon, occurring in 1–3% of cases. They are typically caused by bacterial skin flora, specifically Staphylococcus aureus and the coagulase-negative staphylococci. There have been infrequent reports of breast implant infection caused by the atypical mycobacteria.:
这份报告总结了女病人被鸟结核分枝杆菌感染后接受增强乳房成形术。 保守的建议包括抗生素治疗和移除植入物,直到解决感染或直到伤口愈合。 救助方法包括一个或多个以下:抗生素治疗,清创术,刮除术,脉冲灌洗,capsulectomy,设备交换,主要关闭,和/或皮瓣覆盖。
This report summarizes the case of a female patient who was infected by Mycobacterium avium after undergoing augmentation mammoplasty. This is the second case reported in the literature. Conservative recommendations include antibiotic therapy and removal of the implant until resolution of the infection or until healing of the wound. Salvage methods include one or more of the following: antibiotic therapy, debridement, curettage, pulse lavage, capsulectomy, device exchange, primary closure, and/or flap coverage.
植入物和抗生素治疗的移除后,自体脂肪移植矫正乳房组织的分枝杆菌感染引起的病症。 在我们的硅胶假体隆胸的插入polyurethane-covered位置和圆块乳房固定术periareolar疤痕进行切除。
After removal of the implant and antibiotic therapy, autologous fat transplantation for correction of breast tissue depressions caused by the mycobacterium infection was done. Delayed bilateral breast augmentation by inserting polyurethane-covered silicone implants in subpectoral position and round block mastopexy to resect the periareolar scars were performed.
Although this kind of complication has significantly compromised the aimed result and has caused frustration to both the patient and the physicians involved, we believe that the combination of autologous fat transplantation and delayed silicone implant insertion can be a safe strategy and can produce an acceptable aesthetic result.
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2、克莱格HW,培养太,桑德斯我们小,Baine WB(1983)感染的生物体分枝杆菌fortuitum复杂的丰胸手术后:临床和流行病学特征。
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4、Parsa Parsa Brickman M,AA,FD(2005)分枝杆菌cheloneae隆胸后感染。
5、碎石SA梅林BM,范宁Dufton是的,Kowalewska-Grochowska KT,Lennox P,Anzarut,罗德里格斯M复合菌群(2007)非结核分枝杆菌乳房植入物感染。
6、Padoveze MC,福塔雷萨厘米,Freire议员巴德阿西斯D,Madalosso G,Pellini AC,塞萨尔ML,Pisani否决权V,Beltramelli MM,Chimara E,Ferrazoli L,da Silva告诉妈,桑帕约杰,里昂SC(2007)爆发复合菌群引起的外科感染非结核分枝杆菌在巴西隆胸。
7、矛SL,霍华德·马Boehmler JH,Ducic我低M,Abbruzzesse先生(2004)感染或暴露乳房植入物:管理和治疗策略。
8、Toranto IR,Malow简森-巴顿(1980)非典型分枝杆菌periprosthetic感染:诊断和治疗。
12、de Souza Sterodimas Huanquipaco JC,球场,更Bornia FA,皮坦基(2008)自体脂肪移植治疗Parry-Romberg综合症。
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3.Heistein JB, Mangino JE, Ruberg RL, Bergese JJ (2000) A prosthetic breast implant infected with Mycobacterium fortuitum (review).
4.Brickman M, Parsa AA, Parsa FD (2005) Mycobacterium cheloneae infection after breast augmentation.
5.Macadam SA, Mehling BM, Fanning A, Dufton JA, Kowalewska-Grochowska KT, Lennox P, Anzarut A, Rodrigues M (2007) Nontuberculous mycobacterial breast implant infections.
6.Padoveze MC, Fortaleza CM, Freire MP, Brandão de Assis D, Madalosso G, Pellini AC, César ML, Pisani Neto V, Beltramelli MM, Chimara E, Ferrazoli L, da Silva Telles MA, Sampaio JL, Leão SC (2007) Outbreak of surgical infection caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria in breast implants in Brazil.
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8.Toranto IR, Malow JB (1980) Atypical mycobacteria periprosthetic infections: diagnosis and treatment.
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12.Sterodimas A, Huanquipaco JC, de Souza Filho S, Bornia FA, Pitanguy I (2008) Autologous fat transplantation for the treatment of Parry-Romberg syndrome.
13.Pereira LH, Sterodimas A (2008) Treatment of iatrogenic abdominal contour irregularities.