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导 语浙江大学医学院附属第二医院骨科沈炜亮


Treatment of orthopaedic pain should be a collaborative effort among the orthopaedic surgeon, pain specialist, anesthesiologist, and nursing staff to ensure the best possible outcome. Providing adequate pain relief can result in increased patient satisfaction and faster rehabilitation while preventing atrophy of the affected tissues and decreasing the risk of deep vein thrombosis.Knowledge of and willingness to adopt the most appropriate available methods and drugs to bring about full functional and emotional recovery are essential.

一、定 义


Skeletal pain is a deep somatic pain resulting from injuries to the periosteum, matrix, ligaments, or joints.Nociceptors activated by release of potent prostaglandins relay nervous impulses through myelinated or unmyelinated fibers via the spinal cord to the somatosensory cortex. Understanding the mechanism by which the nervous system produces and transmits pain impulses from the periphery to the brain can aid in better understanding how to manage pain in the orthopaedic patient.


Agents used to manage pain include opioids, NSAIDs, centrally acting nonopioids, and local anesthetics. Opioids block pain in the central nervous system, NSAIDs decrease pain by reducing the inflammatory response, centrally acting nonopioid analgesics interact with certain neurotransmitters and N-methyl-D-aspartate(NMDA) receptors (acetaminophen, tramadol), and local anesthetics prevent pain impulses from reaching the spinal cord.




Opioids are the most effective and widely used medicines for the treatment of moderate to severe pain. They bind to specific receptors in the brain, spinal cord, and gastrointestinal (GI) tract, causing dose-dependent analgesia, drowsiness,respiratory depression, urinary retention, nausea, vomiting, and constipation. Opioids can be administered via intravenous, oral, rectal, or transcutaneous means. Delivery method has an effect on the onset and duration of the drug.


In addition, the effect of opioids can be affected by the concomitant use of other centrally acting drugs and by alcohol in particular. Individualized dosing is strongly advised in the elderly population and in patients with long-standing opioid use.


Intravenous administration causes a rapid rise in plasma levels and fast onset, whereas oral administration results in a more gradual onset of analgesia. Transdermal fentanyl consists of a patch that releases a predetermined dose of the active substance over a period of up to 3 days; this patch should only be used for a select group of patients, such as those with metastatic disease or certain chronic pain conditions.


Short-acting opioids such as oxycodone and hydrocodone are now availableas extended release tablets, which allows for more stable plasma levels over a longer period of time. However, prescription of these opioids is carefully monitored because of the potential for abuse. Adherence to strict guidelines and thorough follow-up with patients taking opioids is necessary to ensure a safe and successful therapy.



NSAIDs are readily available and have been widely used over the past 50 years. They affect transmission of pain by primarily reducing the production of prostaglandins at the site of injury.


All NSAIDs exhibit similar characteristics and tolerability when used at a comparable dosing regimen. They are classified based on their chemical structure or mechanism of action. Cyclooxygenase(COX)-1 inhibitors are known for producing adverse effects in the GI tract and the kidney and for interfering with platelet adhesion. The use of COX-2 inhibitors has been shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular events.


Among the many COX-1 inhibitors currently available, ibuprofen and naproxen seem to be reasonably safe. Celecoxib (Celebrex [Pfizer]) is an extensively used COX-2 inhibitor. It is most commonly prescribed to patients with a history of GI problems or certain allergic reactions.


Cross-sensitivity between NSAIDs and other commonly used drugs such as warfarin, blood pressure medicines(angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors), and antidepressants(selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs]) are well documented, and the physician must take a careful medication history before prescribing NSAIDs.


In 2015, the FDA strengthened its warning linking NSAIDs with the risk of heart attack or stroke, even in the first weeks of use of an NSAID. However,the opioid-sparing effect of NSAIDs makes them an excellent adjunct to the more potent centrally acting opioids and may reduce side effects.



Acetaminophen and tramadol are the most widely prescribed centrally acting nonopioid analgesics. Although tramadol has a weak affinity to opioid receptors, its analgesic properties are mostly a resultof inhibiting the release of serotonin and blocking the reuptake of norepinephrine.


In addition, tramadol has the abilityto block NMDA receptors in the spinal cord, which prevents or modulates the transmission of afferent nervous impulses from the periphery to the brain. Although tramadol has approximately one-tenth the potency of morphine, it shows similar effectiveness for mild to moderate pain.


The most common interaction occurs with antidepressants (SSRIs), meperidine, and the antinausea medication ondansetron,which may antagonize the effect of tramadol. Acetaminophen is widely used as an analgesic in patients with osteoarthritis. It has analgesic properties similar to aspirin but is not considered an anti-inflammatory medication. Acetaminophenis more effective when used in combination with weak opioids and has few side effects when taken in recommended doses (maximum dose < 4,000 mg/day).


Unlike NSAIDs, acetaminophen can be prescribed to pregnant patients in their third trimester for management of pain without running the risk of premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus. Factors to consider when prescribing pain medication are listed in Table 1.



It has become routine to administer peripheral nerve blocks with long-acting local anesthetics to eliminate pain after orthopaedic procedures in the upper or lower extremities. Increased interest and technical advances such as the use of ultrasound with or without nerve stimulation have made it possible to selectively produce profound anesthesia and analgesia at the surgical site.


Duration of analgesia with a single injection lasts up to 24 hours, whereas techniques using an indwelling catheter can provide excellent pain relief for several days. Peripheral nerve injury or local anesthetic toxicity is of concern, but these complications can be avoided with meticulous adherence to guidelines published by the American Society of Anesthesiologists.


Both spinal and epidural anesthesia provide excellent pain relief intraoperatively,and their postoperative effect can be augmented by the addition of opioids into the epidural space or the spinal fluid. Spinal and epidural anesthesia are more appropriate for inpatient surgical procedures, which require continuous monitoring of respiratory and cardiovascular functions.


However, the use of potent blood thinners in the early postoperative phaseis considered a contraindication for neuraxial anesthetic techniques because it markedly increases the risk of epidural hematomas.


Addition of the long-actinglocal anesthetic bupivacaine in a liposomal suspension enables several-dayextension of postoperative analgesia when the drug is appropriately infiltrated at the surgical site. The FDA has not yet approved the use of bupivacaine in peripheral nerve blocks.



In addition to rest, elevation, and ice, the use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and acupuncture has been shown to be beneficial in reducing pain without adverse effects. Psychological methods such as relaxation techniques and hypnosis may require the participation of a physician trained in psychologic care.

二次整理者: 阮登峰/沈炜亮









