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多形性妊娠疹(PUPPP),是最常见的妊娠期皮肤病。它是一种良性、瘙痒性、炎性皮肤病,其特征在于皮损多形性,实验室检查正常和病变部位直接免疫荧光染色阴性。 PUPPP通常影响处于晚期妊娠的初次怀孕的孕妇,分娩后症状显著减轻,并且再次怀孕时不会复发。


Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) is the most common gestational dermatosis. It is a benign, pruritic, inflammatory skin disorder, characterized by a polymorphous clinical presentation, normal laboratory tests, and negative direct immunofluorescence. PUPPP usually affects primigravidas in their third trimester of pregnancy, less frequently in the immediate postpartum period, and has no tendency for recurrence in subsequent pregnancies.

Now let's take a look at this disease in detail.



The cause of pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy is still unknown, although various etiological theories have been proposed, including abdominal distension, hormonal changes, placental factors and the  role of foetal DNA in skin lesions. Additionally, there are suggestions that peripheral chimerism (deposition of foetal DNA), which occurs particularly during the third trimester, and favors skin with increased vascularity and damaged collagen, could be subsequently the target of immune reactivity.



A PUPPP rash is typically diagnosed by thorough examination of the skin lesions. Usually no further testing is required. However, other infections such as fungal infection or scabies should be carefully ruled out by performing a complete blood count, liver function test, and the determination of serum cortisol and serum human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) levels.



Differential Diagnoses

The most important diagnosis to exclude is urticarial pemphigoid gestationis. As the clinical features can overlap, histological and immunological studies are necessary to make the distinction between these two disorders. Although in pemphigoid gestationis, lesions usually appear earlier during gestation, often involvong the umbilicus, along with positive immunofluorescence of perilesional skin.
In eczema, patients typically have a personal or family history of atopy and the eruption is characterized by pruritic erythematous lesions.
Drug eruptions, urticaria, or viral exanthems may also be included in the clinical differential diagnosis.



The rash consists of itchy small erythematous and oedematous papules and plaques usually first start in the stretch marks, typically with periumbilical sparing. The lesions can coalesce to form larger urticarial abdominal plaques often surrounded by blanched halos. The eruption spreads over a matter of days, to the trunk and the extremities, but rarely involves the face, palms, or soles. After that, almost all patients develop more polymorphic features as the disease evolves, including widespread erythema, targetoid lesions, tiny vesicles, and eczematous patches. Mucosal involvement is usually not observed.




Only symptomatic treatment is usually necessary for patients with PUPPP. The majority of affected ladies achieve satisfactory control with topical corticosteroids (1% hydrocortisone cream) and oral antihistamines (cetirizine). Further, sedating first-generation antihistamines appear to be safe in pregnancy and can be used as adjunct therapy to provide relief from pruritus. For severe disease with disturbed sleep leading to exhaustion of the mother, a short course of systemic corticosteroids can be helpful. General measures, such as cool, soothing baths, frequent application of emollients and light cotton clothing, offers additional symptomatic relief.

Last but not least, the soon-to-be moms don't need to worry too much even if you got the disease, all you need to do is go to a dermatologist immediately once there appears likely symptoms. PUPPP typically spontaneously resolves over an average of 4 weeks or with delivery, there is no post-inflammatory pigment change or scarring of the skin. The eruption tends to not recur with subsequent pregnancies.