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. 2021 Jan;52(2):505-510. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.032025. Epub 2021 Jan 11.

Defining a Target Population to Effectively Test a Neuroprotective Drug

Marta Olivé-Gadea 1 2, Manuel Requena 1 2, Daniel Campos 1 2, Alvaro Garcia-Tornel 1 2, Matías Deck 1 2, Marian Muchada 1 2, Sandra Boned 1 2, Noelia Rodríguez 1 2, Jesús Juega 1 2, David Rodríguez-Luna 1 2, Jorge Pagola 1 2, Marta Rubiera 1 2, Macarena Hernández-Jiménez 3, Carlos A Molina 1 2, Marc Ribo 1 2

Affiliations collapse


1Stroke Unit, Neurology Department, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona, Spain (M.O.-G., M. Requena, D.C., A.G.-T., M.D., M.M., S.B., N.R., J.J., D.R.-L., J.P., M. Rubiera, C.A.M., M. Ribo).

2Departament de Medicina, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain (M.O.-G., M. Requena, D.C., A.G.-T., M.D., M.M., S.B., N.R., J.J., D.R.-L., J.P., M. Rubiera, C.A.M., M. Ribo).

3Apta Targets, Madrid, Spain (M.H.-J.).

PMID: 33423513 DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.032025


Background and purpose: We aim to identify the subgroup of acute ischemic stroke patients with higher probabilities of benefiting from a potential neuroprotective drug using baseline outcome predictors and test whether different selection criteria strategies can improve detected treatment effect.

Methods: We analyzed the association between final infarct volume (FIV), measured on 24- to 72-hour computed tomography, and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale at discharge/day 5 of acute stroke patients who underwent endovascular treatment. Models were adjusted for age, sex, and affected hemisphere. We analyzed the impact of absolute (5-15 mL) and relative (33%) FIV reductions in the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale in the whole population and in different subsets of patients selected according to baseline imaging criteria using computed tomography perfusion.

Results: We analyzed 627 patients; association between FIV and 5-day National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale was best described with a quadratic function, with a regression coefficient β=1.56 ([95% CI, 1.45-1.67] P<0.001) in the adjusted analysis. In the models considering a fixed absolute (5/15 mL) FIV reduction, treatment effect was highest when patients with predicted larger FIV were excluded, whereas in a 33% FIV reduction model, treatment effect increased with the exclusion of patients with expected excellent outcomes.

Conclusions: Patients either with excellent outcomes after endovascular thrombectomy or with large infarcts may dilute the treatment effect in stroke neuroprotective drug trials. Computed tomography perfusion on admission may help selecting adequate patients according to expected drug effect profile.

Keywords: infarction; ischemia; neuroprotection; patient selection; probability.