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NCCN Guidelines Version 1.2016 Breast Cancer Updates 乳腺癌NCCN指南2016年第1版更新

Updates in Version 1.2016 of the NCCN Guidelines for Breast Cancer from Version 2.2015 include:山东省肿瘤医院呼吸肿瘤内科张品良

DCIS-1 " Modified the first sentence in footnote "h": Complete axillary lymph node dissection should not be performed in the absence of evidence of invasive cancer or proven axillary metastatic disease in women with apparent pure DCIS or mammographically detected DCIS with microcalcifications."

* Under "Risk reduction therapy for ipsilateral breast following breast- conserving surgery" replaced "tamoxifen" with "endocrine therapy" in the following bullets: Consider endocrine therapy for 5 years for:

Patients treated with breast-conserving therapy (lumpectomy) and radiation therapy (category 1), especially for those with ER- positive DCIS.

The benefit of endocrine therapy for ER-negative DCIS is uncertain BINV-3 Added new bullets for "Endocrine therapy:"

Tamoxifen for premenopausal patients

Tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitor for postmenopausal patients with some advantage for aromatase inhibitor therapy in patients<60 years old or with concerns for thromboembolism
他莫昔芬或芳香化酶抑制剂用于绝经后患者在年龄<60< span="">岁或担心血栓栓塞的患者中芳香化酶抑制剂治疗具有一些优势

* Modified footnote "o" for consistency with NCCN Guidelines for Breast Cancer Risk Reduction. The footnote states "CYP2D6 genotype testing is not recommended in women who are considering tamoxifen."

* Footnote "p", changed "tamoxifen" to "endocrine therapy."

* CBC includes platelets, deleted "platelets"
* CBC包括血小板,删除了“血小板”

* "Assess for distress" - moved the link to the NCCN Guidelines for Distress Management from the algorithm to a footnote.

* Listed CBC, liver function tests and alkaline phosphatase as optional based on signs and symptoms and clinical stage I-IIB, and IIIA (T3,N1,M0).

* Footnote "k" is new, "See NCCN Guidelines for Older Adult Oncology for special treatment considerations."

* Following 4 positive axillary nodes, added "internal mammary nodes, and any part of the axillary bed at risk (category 1). Removed "Strongly consider radiation therapy to internal mammary nodes (category 2B)

* Footnote "q" was deleted. "Radiation therapy should be given to the internal mammary lymph nodes that are clinically or pathologically positive; otherwise the treatment to the internal mammary nodes is at the discretion of the treating radiation oncologist. CT treatment planning should be utilized in all cases where radiation therapy is delivered to the internal mammary lymph nodes."

* Following 1-3 positive axillary nodes, removed category 2B from radiation therapy to internal mammary nodes. "Strongly consider radiation therapy to infraclavicular, supraclavicular area, internal mammary nodes" added "and any part of the axillary bed at risk."

* Following 4 positive axillary nodes, "Postchemotherapy radiation therapy to chest wall + infraclavicular region, supraclavicular area" added "internal mammary nodes, and any part of the axillary bed at risk (category 1)." Removed "Strongly consider radiation therapy to internal mammary nodes (category 2B)

* Following 1-3 positive axillary nodes, "Strongly consider postchemotherapy radiation therapy to chest wall + infraclavicular region, supraclavicular area, internal mammary nodes" added "and any part of the axillary bed at risk." Removed "if radiation therapy is given, strongly consider internal mammary node radiation therapy (category 2B)."

* Following Negative axillary nodes and tumor >5 cm or margins positive, "Consider postchemotherapy radiation therapy to chest wall ± infraclavicular region, ± supraclavicular area" added "± internal mammary nodes, and any part of the axillary bed at risk.". Removed "Strongly consider radiation therapy to internal mammary nodes (category 2B)."

* Added a footnote to "Consider 21-gene RT-PCR assay" stating "Other prognostic multigene assays may be considered to help assess risk of recurrence but have not been validated to predict response to chemotherapy."

* Modified the workup for consistency with BINV-1.

* CBC includes platelets, deleted "platelets"
* CBC包括血小板,删除了“血小板”

* "Assess for distress" - moved the link to the NCCN Guidelines for Distress Management from the algorithm to a footnote.

* Additional studies consider: CBC, liver function tests and alkaline phosphatase as optional based on signs and symptoms and clinical stage I-IIB, and IIIA (T3,N1,M0).

* If lymph node FNA or core biopsy positive, axilla may be restaged after preoperative systemic therapy, added "(category 2B)."

* Removed bottom branch for "Surgical resection."

* Clinically negative axillary lymph node, changed "should have" to "consider."

* Clinically positive axillary lymph node, added (category 2B) to "SLNB or ALND can be performed if axilla is clinically negative."

* Preoperative systemic therapy, modified the statement " [Endocrine therapy alone with an aromatase inhibitor (preferred option for postmenopausal women; given along with ovarian suppression for premenopausal women) or tamoxifen may be considered for patients with hormone-receptor positive disease]."

* Added a footnote "See Principles of Preoperative Systemic Therapy (BINV-L)."

* Mastectomy and surgical axillary staging ± reconstruction - Added a footnote. "See Principles of Breast Reconstruction Following Surgery (BINV-H)."

* Revised footnote "qq": "Axilla may be restaged after preoperative systemic therapy (category 2B); ALND should be performed if axilla is clinically positive; SLNB or ALND can be performed if axilla is clinically negative."

* Listed CBC, liver function tests and alkaline phosphatase under Additional studies.

* CBC includes platelets, deleted "platelets"
* CBC包括血小板,删除了“血小板”

* "Assess for distress" - moved the link to the NCCN Guidelines for Distress Management from the algorithm to a footnote.

* "Preoperative systemic therapy, modified the statement [Endocrine therapy alone with an aromatase inhibitor (preferred option for postmenopausal women; given along with ovarian suppression for premenopausal women) or tamoxifen may be considered for patients with hormone-receptor positive disease]."

* Added a footnote "See Principles of Preoperative Systemic Therapy (BINV-L)."

* Removed the following footnotes from page BINV-12 and BINV-15, they have been incorporated into Principles of Preoperative Systemic Therapy (BINV-L):

A number of chemotherapy regimens have activity in the preoperative setting. In general, those chemotherapy regimens recommended in the adjuvant setting may be considered in the preoperative setting. See Preoperative/Adjuvant Chemotherapy (BINV-K). If treated with endocrine therapy, an aromatase inhibitor is preferred for postmenopausal women.

Patients with HER2-positive tumors should be treated with preoperative systemic incorporating trastuzumab for at least 9 weeks of preoperative therapy See Preoperative/Adjuvant Chemotherapy (BINV-K).

A pertuzumab-containing regimen may be administered preoperatively to patients with greater than or equal to T2 or greater than or equal to N1, HER2-positive breast cancer.

Administration of all chemotherapy prior to surgery is preferred.

* Removed "(plus internal mammary nodes if involved, strongly consider internal mammary nodes if not clinically involved (category 2B)."

* Removed "delayed" from breast reconstruction.

* Removed "consider" from the mastectomy/lumpectomy choice.

* Added "and internal mammary nodes and any part of the axillary bed at risk."

* Added a new bullet; "Periodic screening for changes in family history and referral to genetic counseling as necessary."

* Added a footnote to "Mammography every 12 mo." The new footnote states "Studies indicate that annual mammograms are the appropriate frequency for surveillance of breast cancer patients who have had breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy with no clear advantage to shorter interval imaging. Patients should wait 6 to 12 months after the completion of radiation therapy to begin their annual mammogram surveillance. Suspicious findings on physical examination or surveillance imaging might warrant a shorter interval between mammograms."

* Added a new bullet "Routine imaging of reconstructed breast is not indicated."

* Added a new bullet "In the absence of clinical signs and symptoms suggestive of recurrent disease, there is no indication for laboratory or imaging studies for metastases screening."

* Added healthy diet and limited alcohol intake to the following bullet "Evidence suggests that active lifestyle, healthy diet, limited alcohol intake, and achieving and maintaining an ideal body weight (20–25 BMI) may lead to optimal breast cancer outcomes."
*在下面的项目“证据表明,积极的生活方式、健康饮食、限制酒精摄入、达到并维持一个理想的体重(BMI 20-25)可能会带来最佳的乳腺癌结局。”增加了健康饮食和限制酒精摄入

* Revised footnote "tt": "The use of estrogen, progesterone, or selective estrogen receptor modulators to treat osteoporosis or osteopenia in women with breast cancer is discouraged. The use of a bisphosphonate or denosumab is acceptable to maintain or to improve bone mineral density. Optimal duration of either therapy has not been established. Duration beyond 3 y is not known. Factors to consider for duration of anti-osteoporosis therapy include bone mineral density, response to therapy, and risk factors for continued bone loss or fracture. Women treated with a bisphosphonate or denosumab should undergo a dental examination with preventive dentistry prior to the initiation of therapy, and should take supplemental calcium and vitamin D."

* CBC includes platelets, deleted "platelets" BINV-18
* CBC包括血小板,删除了“血小板”BINV-18

* Changed page header to "Treatment of Recurrence."

* Simplified the recommendations for "Radiation therapy", by removing the following text: "to chest wall and supraclavicular and infraclavicular nodes."

* Added the following footnote "Multidisciplinary approach is especially important in the management of breast cancer recurrence to consider all potential treatment options for optimal outcomes."

* Changed page header to "Treatment of Stage IV Disease."

* Bottom branch: Added Ado-trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) to first line therapy. Changed "trastuzumab ± chemotherapy" to "trastuzumab + chemotherapy."

Simplified second line therapy to state "HER2-targeted therapy."



* Modified the first bullet: "Breast MRI examinations are performed with IV contrast and should be performed and interpreted by an expert breast imaging team working in concert with the multidisciplinary treatment team."

* Second bullet, replaced "wire" with "image-guided. "The imaging center should have the ability to perform MRI-guided needle sampling and/or image-guided localization of MRI-detected findings."
*第二个项目,用“ 影像导引代替“金属丝。“影像中心应该具有施行MRI引导的针吸取样和/或MRI能检测发现影像引导定位的能力。”

* Fertility and birth control modified the first bullet: "All premenopausal patients should be informed about the potential impact of chemotherapy on fertility and asked about their desire for potential future pregnancies. Patients who may desire future pregnancies should be referred to fertility specialists before chemotherapy and/or endocrine therapy, to discuss the options based on patient specifics, disease stage and biology, (which determine the urgency and type and sequence of treatment). Timing and duration allowed for fertility preservation, options inclusive of oocyte and embryo cryopreservation as well as evolving technologies, and the probability of successful pregnancies subsequent to completion of breast cancer therapy are also to be discussed."

* Footnote 2: Removed the last sentence "However, only peritumoral injections map to the internal mammary lymph node(s).

* Replaced "Sentinel lymph node biopsy is the preferred method of axillary lymph node staging if there is an experienced sentinel node team and the patient is an appropriate sentinel lymph node biopsy candidate (See BINV-D)." with "Sentinel lymph node biopsy should be performed and is the preferred method of axillary lymph node staging if the patient is an appropriate sentinel lymph node biopsy candidate."

* Second paragraph, modified the last sentence "A boost to the tumor bed is recommended in patients at higher risk for recurrence."


* Absolute contraindications: added "Diffusely positive pathologic margins" and removed "Positive pathologic margin."

* Relative contraindications: added "Positive pathologic margin" and removed "Diffusely positive pathologic margins."

* Added a link to NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment Breast and Ovarian.

* First paragraph, added the following "However, breast reconstruction should not interfere with the appropriate surgical management of the cancer or the scope of appropriate surgical treatment for this disease. Coordinating consultation and surgical treatment with a reconstructive surgeon should be executed within a reasonable time frame."

* Modified "Oncoplastic techniques for breast conservation can extend breast-conserving surgical options in situations where the resection by itself would likely yield an unacceptable cosmetic outcome."


BINV-H (2/2)

* Modified the statement "Evidence of nipple involvement such as Paget’s disease or other nipple discharge associated with malignancy, and/or imaging findings suggesting malignant involvement of the nipple or subareolar tissues is a contraindicates nipple preservation."

* This page has been reorganized and updated.


* Changed tamoxifen for 5 y (category 1) ± ovarian suppression or ablation (category 2B) to a (category 1).

* Adjuvant endocrine therapy - premenopausal at diagnosis, added "or aromatase inhibitor for 5y + ovarian suppression or ablation (category 1)." With a new footnote " Aromatase inhibitor or tamoxifen for 5 y plus ovarian suppression should be considered, based on SOFT and TEXT clinical trial outcomes, for premenopausal women at higher risk of recurrence (i.e. young age, high grade tumor, lymph node involvement, Pagani, NEJM 2014, Prudence, NEJM 2014).Survival data still pending."
*辅助内分泌治疗—在诊断时绝经前期者,增加了“或芳香化酶抑制剂5年 +卵巢抑制或切除(1类)”。用一个新脚注“基于SOFT与TEXT临床试验结果,应考虑芳香化酶抑制剂或他莫昔芬5年加卵巢抑制,对于更高复发风险的绝经前妇女(即年轻、高级别肿瘤、淋巴结转移,帕加尼,NEJM 2014,Prudence,NEJM 2014)。生存数据仍然悬而未决。”

BINV-K (1 of 7)
* Footnote 5 is new to the page. "The regimens listed for HER2-negative disease are all category 1 (except where indicated) when used in the adjuvant setting."

* Removed FAC/CAF (fluorouracil/doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide) and FEC/CEF (cyclophosphamide/ epirubicin/fluorouracil) from the list of regimens for preoperative/ adjuvant chemotherapy.

BINV-K (3 of 7)
* Under the regimen "FAC followed by weekly paclitaxel, changed 6 to 4 cycles. BINV-K (4, 5, and 6 of 7)

* Replaced cardiac monitoring at baseline, 3, 6, and 9 mo with "Evaluate left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) prior to and during treatment."

* Added the following footnote " The optimal frequency of LVEF assessment during adjuvant trastuzumab therapy is not known. The FDA label recommends LVEF measurements prior to initiation of trastuzumab and every 3 mo during therapy."

* New page - Principles of Preoperative Systemic Therapy.

* Modified first statement, "Premenopausal patients with hormone receptor- positive disease should have ovarian ablation/suppression and follow

* Endocrine therapy for recurrent or stage IV disease, added Palbociclib + fulvestrant (category 1) with the following footnote: "For postmenopausal women or for premenopausal women receiving ovarian suppression with an LHRH agonist, with hormone-receptor positive and HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer that has progressed on endocrine therapy."

* Footnote 4 is new to the page. "A single study (S0226) in women with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer and no prior chemotherapy, biological therapy, or endocrine therapy for metastatic disease demonstrated that the addition of fulvestrant to anastrozole resulted in prolongation of time to progression. Subset analysis suggested that patients without prior adjuvant tamoxifen and more than 10 years since diagnosis experienced the greatest benefit. Two studies with similar design (FACT and SOFEA) demonstrated no advantage in time to progression with the addition of fulvestrant to anastrozole."

* Other first-line agents for HER2-positive disease: Trastuzumab alone has been removed. * Footnote 4 is new to the page: Trastuzumab may be safely combined with all non-anthracycline containing preferred and other single agents listed above for recurrent or metastatic breast cancer.

* Updated reference list. BINV-P (3 of 3)

* Suggested intervals of follow-up for patients with metastatic disease, changed the interval for endocrine therapy follow-up from "2-3 mo" to "1-3 mo."

* Revised footnote "a": "FNA or core biopsy may not distinguish a fibroadenoma from a phyllodes tumor in some cases. The sensitivity of core biopsy for the diagnosis of phyllodes tumor is greater than that of FNA biopsy, but neither core biopsy or FNA biopsy can always differentiate phyllodes tumors from fibroadenoma. In cases with clinical suspicion for phyllodes tumor, excision of the lesion may be needed for definitive pathologic classification."

* Added footnote "a" to "Tissue sampling"

* Changed: Pregnant patient with confirmed breast cancer diagnosis (core biopsy preferred) To: Pregnant patient with confirmed breast cancer diagnosis by FNA or core biopsy; No distant metastases on staging.