
(中英文)肾结石输尿管镜术后必读!Q&A for patients after FURL/URL!

2020年02月23日 12825人阅读


主讲人:施飞(上海交通大学附属瑞金医院古北分院泌尿外科主治医师 上海男科百名英才)


Time to remove the catheter after surgy?


Generally, the catheter can be removed the next day after the operation. There may be a little "hematuria" and urethral discomfort after the extubation, but there is no need to be nervous, drink more water and urinate frequently can make these symptoms soon disappear.


How long can you eat and drink after the operation?


Six hours after the operation.


Why do you need to leave a tube in the ureter after surgery?


After ureteral holmium laser lithotripsy, a soft stent (double J) is placed to connect the kidney to the bladder. One end is left in the kidney and the other in the bladder, which allows the hydronephrosis to pass out of the body unobstructed, which can remove the hydronephrosis more quickly, protect the kidney, support the ureter, prevent ureteral stricture, and prevent the blockage of the ureter during the passage of gravel.



When will you come to the hospital to remove the stent?



Generally two weeks to a month or so, vary from person to person.After admission, the double J tube was removed by painless cystoscope. [if your hematuria is serious and the pain is obvious, you can also extubate in advance; If you feel no discomfort, a few days' delay will  be ok.]


Can you go to work, take a plan or go on a trip?


After surgery, the double J tube is retained in the body, and there is usually no special discomfort. Most patients can get along well with the double J tube. However, a small number of patients may have discomfort, so it is recommended not to do strenuous exercise, travel far or take a long flight. It is recommended to take more rest.


Why frequent, urgent or painful urination after surgery?


The end of a stent in the body could irritate the neck of the bladder or  urinary tract infections, which can cause varying degrees of frequency, urgency, or painful urination. The severity of symptoms varies from person to person.


If hematuria occurs at home after operation, what should you do?






In fact, postoperative hematuria is a small amount of bleeding caused by the friction between the stent and Urinary tract mucous membrane, which is generally light red like meat washing water.
Do not panic when dealing with hematuria:
More: drink more water, 2000ML per day.
Less: avoid strenuous exercise: 
running, bending and weight bearing.


Why do you have low back pain when you urinate after FURL/URL?



During urination, the bladder shrinks and the pressure inside the bladder rises, and the urine flows back into the kidney through the double J tube, which may cause different degrees of pain and discomfort in the lower back.
Treatment: when urinating, avoid abdominal too hard, do not hold urine.


What should you do if you have a fever after the operation?


If the temperature is higher than 38.5℃, please go back to the hospital immediately. If the fever is lower than this temperature, you can continue to take the antibiotics when you took back from the hospital , and drink more water . If the symptoms get worse or persist, you also need to see the doctor immediately.


Time for the first review after discharge?


After the operation, antibiotics should be taken orally for 5-7 days to prevent infection, and urine test and blood test should be reviewed in the outpatient clinic 3 days after discharge.


When the stent is removed, do you need a second visit?


Above is the double J tube.



About one month after the removal of the stent, it is recommended that the patient reexamine the ultrasound to understand the recovery of hydronephrosis.
Calculi are easy to cause ureteral injury, stricture, polyps and even cause cancer, any type of urinary calculi, may face recurrence. It is recommended that you reexamine the renal ureter color doppler ultrasound every 3-6 months in the early postoperative period.


Updated 2020/2/23!