

2022年05月30日 9033人阅读 返回文章列表





Hello everyone!Happy Dragon-Boat Festival!

Zongzi, a traditional food made of principally glued rice is the absolute stay-on for this festival. Some people hold the opinion that people with dematophytosis should hold back on consumption of this type of food. Is that true? Let's take a look.

Dermatophytosis are common skin infection caused by fungus. It can also be called ringworm, despite the name, ringworm is not caused by a worm. It’s called ringworm because it can cause an itchy, red, circular rash. Ringworm can affect skin on the body (tinea corporis), scalp (tinea capitis), groin area (tinea cruris, also called jock itch), or feet (tinea pedis, also called athlete’s foot).


Sources of infection

1 - 来自患有癣的人:人们在与感染者接触后会感染癣。
2 - 来自有癣的动物:人们在接触有癣的动物后会感染癣。
3 - 来自环境:导致癣的真菌可以生活在表面上,特别是在更衣室和公共淋浴等潮湿地区。

Approximately 40 differents species of fungi can cause ringworm (Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton…),  the fungi that cause ringworm can live on skin and in the environment. There are three main ways that ringworm can spread:
1-From a person who has ringworm: People can get ringworm after contact with someone who has the infection.
 2-From an animal that has ringworm: People can get ringworm after touching an animal that has ringworm.
3-From the environment: The fungi that cause ringworm can live on surfaces, particularly in damp areas like locker rooms and public showers.



- 体癣是粉红色至红色环状(O形)斑块和斑块,具有凸起的鳞片状边缘,在周边扩张并趋向于在中央清除。





Ringworm can affect skin on almost any part of the body as well as fingernails and toenails. Symptoms typically appear between 4 and 14 days after the skin comes in contact with the fungi that cause ringworm. The symptoms of ringworm often depend on which part of the body is infected, but they generally include: Itchy skin, Ring-shaped rash, Red, scaly or cracked skin and Hair loss. Symptoms of ringworm by location on the body are as follow:

- Tinea corporis is pink-to-red annular (O-shaped) patches and plaques with raised scaly borders that expand peripherally and tend to clear centrally.
-Feet (tinea pedis or “athlete’s foot”): The symptoms include red, swollen, peeling, and itchy skin between the toes. The sole and heel of the foot may also be affected. In severe cases, the skin on the feet can blister.
-Scalp (tinea capitis): Ringworm on the scalp usually looks like a scaly, itchy, red, circular bald spot. The bald spot can grow in size and multiple spots might develop if the infection spreads.
-Groin (tinea cruris or “jock itch”): The symptoms looks like scaly, itchy, red spots, usually on the inner sides of the skin folds of the thigh.
-Beard (tinea barbae): The symptoms include scaly, itchy, red spots on the cheeks, chin, and upper neck. The spots might become crusted over or filled with pus, and the affected hair might fall out.




√ 保持皮肤清洁干爽。
√ 穿上允许空气在脚周围自由流通的鞋子。
√ 不要赤脚走在更衣室或公共淋浴等区域。
√ 定期修剪指甲和趾甲,注意保持清洁。
√ 每天至少更换一次袜子和内衣。
√ 不要与患有癣的人共享衣服,毛巾,床单或其他个人物品。
√ 与宠物玩耍后,用肥皂和自来水洗手。如果您怀疑您的宠物患有癣,请带它去看兽医。
√ 如果是参与有激烈身体对抗运动的运动员,请在练习或比赛后立即淋浴,并保持所有运动装备和制服清洁。不要与其他运动员共享运动装备(头盔等)。

The following tips may help preventing dermatophyte infection:

√ Keep your skin clean and dry.
√ Wear shoes that allow air to circulate freely around your feet.
√ Don’t walk barefoot in areas like locker rooms or public showers.
√ Clip your fingernails and toenails short and keep them clean.
√ Change your socks and underwear at least once a day.
√ Don’t share clothing, towels, sheets, or other personal items with someone who has ringworm.
√ Wash your hands with soap and running water after playing with pets. If you suspect that your pet has ringworm, take it to see a veterinarian.
√ If you’re an athlete involved in close contact sports, shower immediately after your practice session or match, and keep all of your sports gear and uniform clean. Don’t share sports gear (helmet, etc.) with others players.




Tinea pedis: Athlete’s foot can usually be treated with over-the-counter topical antifungal products, such as naftifine hydrochloride and ketoconazole cream. Other agents can also be used. Chronic or extensive tinea pedis may require treatment with oral antifungal agents such as terbinafine, itraconazole, or fluconazole. In addition, chronic tinea pedis may require adjunctive therapy such as foot powder or talcum powder to prevent skin maceration.
Tinea capitis: Treatment with systemic antifungal medication is required, as topical antifungal products are ineffective for treatment of tinea capitis. Many experts consider griseofulvin to be the drug of choice. Terbinafine can also be use for tinea capitis in 4 years old patients or older. Itraconazole and fluconazole have been shown to be safe and effective too. Selenium sulfide shampoos can be used as adjunctive therapy.
Tinea corporis/cruris: Tinea corporis and tinea cruris can usually be treated with over-the-counter antifungal products. Patients who have tinea cruris should be advised to keep the groin area clean and dry and to wear cotton underwear. Persons who have extensive or recurrent infections may require systemic antifungal therapy.


With all that being said, we now know that dermatophytosis is causes by fungal infection via skin contact and has nothing to do with food. So patients may have Zongzi as they like.