发作期缺氧与伴随全身强直阵挛性发作的局部脑容量损失程度有关。Allen LA等,2020年7月19日癫痫更多摘要目的缺氧或异常低血氧水平常伴有癫痫发作,并可能引起癫痫患者脑结构改变,从而导致癫痫猝死(SUDEP)的中枢过程。缺氧在多大程度上可能与这一组患者的大脑结构改变有关,这一点尚不清楚。方法采用高分辨率T1加权磁共振成像(MRI)技术,对2 2个部位(n=22)的全身性强直阵挛性发作(GTCS)患者进行了长期视频脑电图(VEEG)记录,并对其脑形态和体积变化进行了分析,以及年龄和性别相匹配的健康对照组(n=43)。根据VEEG期间外周血氧饱和度(SpO2)测定,将受试者分为轻度/中度(GTCS轻度/中度,n=12)和重度(GTCS-hypox-severe,n=10)缺氧。采用基于全脑体素的形态计量学(VBM)和区域容量测定法评估各组比较和脑结构测量之间的相关性,以及GTCS期间缺氧的持续时间和程度。结果GTCS周围缺氧可引起形态和体积改变,包括中脑导水管周围灰质(PAG)、丘脑、下丘脑、蚓部、小脑、臂旁桥和髓质的体积损失。与轻度/中度缺氧的GTCS患者相比,重度缺氧的GTCS患者丘脑和PAG体积明显减少。两组均出现脑干容积损失,但重度缺氧组脑干容积减少更为广泛。丘脑和海马容积与缺氧程度呈显著负相关,蚓部和伏隔容积则随缺氧时间的延长而下降。重要意义GTCS患者的脑结构改变与重要功能的脑区缺氧程度有关。尽管这些变化只是相关联的,但它们提供了与癫痫发作的呼吸表现相关的大脑调节部位受损的证据。Peri-ictal hypoxia is related to extent of regional brain volume loss accompanying generalized tonic-clonic seizures.Allen LA,et al Epilepsia 2020 Jul 19MOREAbstract OBJECTIVES Hypoxia, or abnormally low blood-oxygen levels, often accompanies seizures and may elicit brain structural changes in people with epilepsy which contribute to central processes underlying sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). The extent to which hypoxia may be related to brain structural alterations in this patient group remains unexplored.METHODS We analyzed high-resolution T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine brain morphometric and volumetric alterations in people with generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS) recorded during long-term video-electroencephalography (VEEG), recruited from two sites (n = 22), together with data from age- and sex-matched healthy controls (n = 43). Subjects were sub-divided into those with mild/moderate (GTCS-hypox-mild/moderate, n = 12) and severe (GTCS-hypox-severe, n = 10) hypoxia, measured by peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2 ) during VEEG. Whole-brain voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and regional volumetry were used to assess group comparisons and correlations between brain structural measurements as well as the duration and extent of hypoxia during GTCS.RESULTS Morphometric and volumetric alterations appeared in association with peri-GTCS hypoxia, including volume loss in the periaqueductal gray (PAG), thalamus, hypothalamus, vermis, cerebellum, parabrachial pons, and medulla. Thalamic and PAG volume was significantly reduced in GTCS patients with severe hypoxia compared with GTCS patients with mild/moderate hypoxia. Brainstem volume loss appeared in both hypoxia groups, although it was more extensive in those with severe hypoxia. Significant negative partial correlations emerged between thalamic and hippocampal volume and extent of hypoxia, whereas vermis and accumbens volumes declined with increasing hypoxia duration.SIGNIFICANCE Brain structural alterations in patients with GTCS are related to the extent of hypoxia in brain sites that serve vital functions. Although the changes are associative only, they provide evidence of injury to regulatory brain sites related to respiratory manifestations of seizures.