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NSCLC NCCN2016V4 Discussion

Initial Therapy

Before treatment, it is strongly recommended that determination of tumor resectability be made by board-certified thoracic surgeons who perform lung cancer surgery as a prominent part of their practice (see Principles of Surgical Therapy in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

Principles of Radiation Therapy recommends doses for RT (see the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

In addition, the NCCN Guidelines also recommend regimens for chemotherapy and chemoradiation (see Chemotherapy Regimens for Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Therapy, Chemotherapy Regimens Used with Radiation Therapy, and Systemic Therapy for Advanced or Metastatic Disease in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

Stage I, Stage II, and Stage IIIA Disease

Depending on the extent and type of comorbidity present, patients with stage I or a subset of stage II (T1–2, N1) tumors are generally candidates for surgical resection and mediastinal lymph node dissection.

Definitive RT, particularly SABR, is recommended for patients with early-stage NSCLC who are medically inoperable or refuse surgery, and can be considered as an alternative to surgery in patients at high risk of complications (see Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy in this Discussion and see Initial Treatment for Stage I and II in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

In some instances, positive mediastinal nodes (N2) are discovered at surgery; in this setting, an additional assessment of staging and tumor resectability must be made, and the treatment (ie, inclusion of systematic mediastinal lymph node dissection) must be modified accordingly.

Therefore, the NCCN Guidelines include 2 different tracks for T1–3, N2 disease (ie, stage IIIA disease): 1) T1–3, N2 disease discovered unexpectedly at surgical exploration; and 2) T1–3, N2 disease confirmed before thoracotomy.

In the second case, an initial brain MRI (with contrast) and FDG PET/CT scan (if not previously done) are recommended to rule out metastatic disease.
在第二种情况下,建议早期脑MRI(对比剂)和FDG PET/CT扫描(如果以前没有做过)以排除转移性疾病。

For patients with clinical stage IIB (T3, N0) and stage IIIA tumors who have different treatment options (surgery, RT, or chemotherapy), a multidisciplinary evaluation is recommended.

For the subsets of stage IIB (T3, N0) and stage IIIA (T4, N0–1) tumors, treatment options are organized according to the location of the tumor such as the superior sulcus, chest wall, proximal airway, or mediastinum.

For each location, a thoracic surgeon needs to determine whether the tumor is resectable (see Principles of Surgical Therapy in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

For patients with resectable tumors (T3 invasion, N0–1) in the superior sulcus, the NCCN Panel recommends preoperative concurrent chemoradiation therapy followed by surgical resection and chemotherapy (see Initial Treatment for Superior Sulcus Tumors in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

Preoperative concurrent chemoradiation followed by surgical resection of a superior sulcus tumor has shown 2-year survival in the 50% to 70% range.

The overall 5-year survival rate is approximately 40%.

Patients with possibly resectable superior sulcus tumors should undergo preoperative concurrent chemoradiation before surgical re-evaluation.

For patients with unresectable tumors (T4 extension, N0–1) in the superior sulcus, definitive concurrent chemoradiation is recommended followed by 2 cycles of full-dose chemotherapy if full-dose chemotherapy was not initially given concurrently with RT.

Surgical resection is the preferred treatment option for patients with tumors of the chest wall, proximal airway, or mediastinum (T3–4, N0–1).

Other treatment options include chemotherapy or concurrent chemoradiation before surgical resection.

For unresectable T4, N0–1 tumors without pleural effusion, definitive concurrent chemoradiation (category 1) is recommended.

If full-dose chemotherapy was not given initially as concurrent treatment, then an additional 2 cycles of full-dose chemotherapy can be administered (see Adjuvant Treatment in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

Multimodality therapy is recommended for most patients with stage III NSCLC.

For patients with stage IIIA disease and positive mediastinal nodes (T1–3, N2), treatment is based on the findings of pathologic mediastinal lymph node evaluation (see Adjuvant Treatment in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

Patients with negative mediastinal biopsy findings are candidates for surgery.

For those patients with resectable lesions, mediastinal lymph node dissection or lymph node sampling should be performed during the operation.

Those individuals who are medically inoperable should be treated according to the clinical stage (see the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

For patients with (T1–2 or T3) N2 node-positive disease, a brain MRI (with contrast) and FDG PET/CT scan (if not done previously) are recommended to search for distant metastases.
对于(T1–2或T3)N2淋巴结阳性患者,建议脑MRI(对比剂)和FDG PET/CT扫描(如果以前未做)寻找远处转移。

When distant metastases are not present, the NCCN Panel recommends that the patient be treated with definitive concurrent chemoradiation therapy (see the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

Recommended therapy for metastatic disease depends on whether disease is in a solitary site or is widespread (see the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

When a lung metastasis is present, it usually occurs in patients with other systemic metastases; the prognosis is poor.

Therefore, many of these patients are not candidates for surgery; however, systemic therapy is recommended.

Although uncommon, patients with lung metastases but without systemic metastases have a better prognosis and are candidates for surgery (see Multiple Lung Cancers in this Discussion).

Patients with separate pulmonary nodule(s) in the same lobe (T3, N0-1) or ipsilateral non-primary lobe (T4, N0-1) without other systemic metastases are potentially curable by surgery; 5-year survival rates are about 30%.

Intrapulmonary metastases were downstaged in the TNM staging (ie, AJCC 7th edition).

For those with N2 nodes after surgery, concurrent chemoradiation is recommended for those with positive margins and a R2 resection; either sequential or concurrent chemoradiation is recommended after an R1 resection.

Most NCCN Member Institutions favor concurrent chemoradiation for positive margins, but sequential chemoradiation is reasonable in frailer patients.

For those with N2 nodes and negative margins, sequential chemotherapy (category 1) with RT is recommended.

Chemotherapy alone is recommended for those with N0-1 nodes (see Adjuvant Treatment in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

In patients with synchronous solitary nodules (contralateral lung), the NCCN Panel recommends treating them as 2 primary lung tumors if both are curable, even if the histology of the 2 tumors is similar (see the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

Multiple Lung Cancers

Patients with a history of lung cancer or those with biopsy-proven synchronous lesions may be suspected of having multiple lung cancers (see Clinical Presentation in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

It is important to determine whether the multiple lung cancers are metastases or separate lung primaries (synchronous or metachronous), because most multiple lung tumors are metastases.

Therefore, it is essential to determine the histology of the lung tumor (see Principles of Pathologic Review in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

Infection and other benign diseases also need to be ruled out (eg, inflammatory granulomas).

Although criteria have been established for diagnosing multiple lung cancers, no definitive method has been established before treatment.

The Martini and Melamed criteria are often used to diagnose multiple lung cancers as follows: 1) the histologies are different; 2) the histologies are the same but there is no lymph node involvement and no extrathoracic metastases.

Treatment of multiple lung cancers depends on status of the lymph nodes (eg, N0–1) and on whether the lung cancers are asymptomatic, symptomatic, or at high risk of becoming symptomatic (see Initial Treatment in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

In patients eligible for definitive local therapy, parenchymal-sparing resection is preferred (see the Principles of Surgical Therapy in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

VATS or SABR are reasonable options depending on the number and distribution of the tumors requiring local treatment.

Multiple lung nodules (eg, solid, subsolid nodules) may also be detected on low-dose CT scans; some of these nodules can be followed with imaging, whereas others need to be biopsied or excised (see the NCCN Guidelines for Lung Cancer Screening, available at NCCN.org).

Stage IIIB Disease

Stage IIIB tumors comprise 2 groups, including: 1) T1–3, N3 tumors; and 2) T4, N2–3 tumors, which are unresectable and include contralateral mediastinal nodes (T4, N3).

Surgical resection is not recommended in patients with T1–3, N3 disease.

However, in patients with suspected N3 disease, the NCCN Guidelines recommend pathologic confirmation of nodal status (see Pretreatment Evaluation in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

In addition, FDG PET/CT scans (if not previously done) and brain MRI (with contrast) should also be included in the pretreatment evaluation.
此外,治疗前评估也应包括FDG PET/CT扫描(如果以前没有做过)和脑MRI(对比剂)。

If these tests are negative, then treatment options for the appropriate nodal status should be followed (see the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

If N3 disease is confirmed, definitive concurrent chemoradiation (category 1) is recommended followed by 2 cycles of full-dose chemotherapy if full-dose chemotherapy was not initially given concurrently with RT.

For metastatic disease that is confirmed by FDG PET/CT scan and brain MRI (with contrast), treatment is described in the NCCN Guidelines.
对于FDG PET/CT扫描和MRI(对比剂)证实的转移性疾病,其治疗在NCCN指南中描述。

For patients with T4, N2–3 disease (stage IIIB), surgical resection is not generally recommended.

The initial workup includes biopsies of the N3 and N2 nodes.

If these biopsies are negative, the same treatment options may be used as for stage IIIA (T4, N0–1) disease (see the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

If either the contralateral or ipsilateral mediastinal node is positive, definitive concurrent chemoradiation therapy is recommended (category 1) followed by 2 cycles of full-dose chemotherapy if full-dose chemotherapy was not given concurrently with RT as initial treatment (see the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

Stage IV Disease

In general, systemic therapy is recommended for patients with metastatic disease (see Systemic Therapy for Advanced or Metastatic Disease in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

This section focuses on patients with limited metastatic disease; management of widespread distant metastases is described in another section (see Treatment of Recurrences and Distant Metastases in this Discussion and Systemic Therapy for Metastatic Disease in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

Pleural or pericardial effusion is a criterion for stage IV, M1a disease.

T4 with pleural effusion is classified as stage IV, M1a (see Table 3 in Staging in the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

Although pleural effusions are malignant in 90% to 95% of patients, they may be related to obstructive pneumonitis, atelectasis, lymphatic or venous obstruction, or a pulmonary embolus.

Therefore, pathologic confirmation of a malignant effusion by using thoracentesis or pericardiocentesis is recommended.

In certain cases where thoracentesis is inconclusive, thoracoscopy may be performed.

In the absence of nonmalignant causes (eg, obstructive pneumonia), an exudate or sanguinous effusion is considered malignant regardless of the results of cytologic examination.

If the pleural effusion is considered negative, recommended treatment is based on the confirmed T and N stage (see the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

However, all pleural effusions, whether malignant or not, are associated with unresectable disease in 95% of cases.

In patients with effusions that are positive for malignancy, the tumor is treated as M1a with local therapy (ie, ambulatory small catheter drainage, pleurodesis, and pericardial window) in addition to treatment as for stage IV disease (see the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

Management of patients with distant metastasis in limited sites (ie, stage IV, M1b) depends on the location of the metastases—a few nodules in the brain or adrenal gland—the diagnosis of which is aided by mediastinoscopy, bronchoscopy, FDG PET/CT scan, and brain MRI (with contrast).
远处转移部位有限(即IV期、M1b)患者的处理取决于该转移的位置——脑或肾上腺的几个结节——通过纵隔镜、支气管镜、FDG PET/CT扫描和脑MRI(对比剂)协助诊断。

The increased sensitivity of FDG PET/CT scans, compared with other imaging methods, may identify additional metastases and, thus, spare some patients from unnecessary surgery.
与其他影像手段相比,FDG PET/CT扫描的敏感性增加,可能发现其他的转移灶,因此,某些患者从而避免不必要的手术。

However, positive FDG PET/CT scan findings for distant disease need pathologic or other radiologic confirmation.
然而,对于FDG PET/CT扫描发现的阳性远隔病变需要病理或其他影像学确认。

If the FDG PET/CT scan is positive in the mediastinum, the lymph node status needs pathologic confirmation.
如果FDG PET/CT扫描纵隔淋巴结阳性,该淋巴结情况需要病理学证实。

Patients with limited oligometastatic disease (eg, single brain or adrenal metastasis) and otherwise limited disease in the chest may benefit from aggressive local therapy to both the primary chest and metastatic sites.

Aggressive local therapy may comprise surgery or definitive RT including SABR to each site, and may be preceded or followed by chemotherapy.

Recent data suggest that erlotinib combined with SABR or SRS may also be useful.

Metastases to the adrenal gland from lung cancer are a common occurrence, with approximately 33% of patients having such disease at autopsy.

In patients with otherwise resectable primary tumors, however, many solitary adrenal masses are not malignant.

Any adrenal mass found on a preoperative CT scan in a patient with lung cancer should be biopsied to rule out benign adenoma.

Local therapy (category 2B) of the adrenal lesion has produced some long-term survivors when an adrenal metastasis has been found and the lung lesion has been curable (see the NCCN Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer).

Some NCCN Panel Members feel that local therapy for adrenal metastases is only advisable if the synchronous lung disease is stage I or possibly stage II (ie, resectable).

Systemic therapy is another treatment option for adrenal metastasis.