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A seborrheic keratosis is a type of skin growth. They can be unsightly, but the growths aren’t harmful. However, in some cases a seborrheic keratosis can be difficult to distinguish from melanoma .It is a common skin disorder that is characterized by benign, painless, often wart-like skin lesions that appears to be 'stuck on.' Treatment, if warranted, involves surgical or cryo-surgical removal. Also known as seborrheic warts or senile warts.



Types and Symptoms of Seborrheic keratosis







Seborrheic keratoses may look like warts, moles, or skin cancer. Their appearance is waxy, and they look as if they are stuck onto the skin. Some may look like a blob of brown candle wax. They can range in size from tiny to over 3 centimeters across. They are not painful, but they may itch or become irritated. There are four dimensions to consider when describing seborrheic keratosis:                                

Location: The growths are most commonly found on the scalp, shoulder, chest, abdomen, or back.                                             

Texture: Lesions usually start off as small, rough bumps, and they gradually get thicker and develop a warty surface. They can sometimes appear waxy and "stuck on."                            

Shape: They are usually round or oval.                                    

Color: Most are brown, but they can be yellow, black, or white.The lesions are rarely painful, but they can be annoying, depending on their position. It is important not to pick or scratch them as this can lead to bleeding, swelling, and, potentially, infection.




In most cases, a dermatologist can tell if your skin growth is a seborrheic keratosis by looking at it. Sometimes, a seborrheic keratosis can look like a skin cancer. If it does, the dermatologist will remove the growth so that it can be looked at under a microscope. This is the only way to tell for sure whether a growth is skin cancer.






Because seborrheic keratoses are harmless, they most often do not need treatment. A dermatologist may remove a seborrheic keratosis when it is  Looks -like a skin cancer,Gets caught on clothing or jewelry, becomes irritated easily ,Seems unsightly to a patient .If the growth looks like skin cancer, your dermatologist will likely shave off the growth with a blade or scrape it off. This will allow a specially trained doctor to look for skin cancer cells under microscope.    Other treatments for seborrheic keratoses include: Electrosurgery and curettage: Electrosurgery (electrocautery) involves numbing the growth with an anesthetic and using an electric current to destroy the growth. A razor blade is used to scrape off the treated growth. This is the curettage. The patient does not need stitches. There may be a small amount of bleeding. Sometimes the patient needs only electrosurgery or just curettage. 

Outcome -After removal of a seborrheic keratosis, the skin may be lighter than the surrounding skin. This usually fades with time. Sometimes it is permanent. Most removed seborrheic keratoses do not return. But a new one may occur elsewhere.


Professor Jianglin Zhang is highly experienced in the surgical treatment of benign and malignant skin growth. If you have a skin growth, don't panic!Prof Zhang's team can help you get rid of it!