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结果:198个中心共有214名被调查者,应答率为16.5%(214/1296)。在大多数中心(67%),2019年入住受访医院的AIS患者人数在100至300人之间,其中每家医院需要入住ICU的患者不到50人。最广泛接受的ICU入院标准指征是插管和机械通气。88(58%)的受访者使用了动脉血压(ABP)管理的标准方案。对于符合静脉溶栓条件的患者,最常见的ABP靶点是<185/110 mm Hg(n=77[51%]),而对于接受机械血栓切除术的患者,ABP靶点是≤160/90 mm Hg(n=79[54%])。降低ABP的首选药物是拉贝洛尔(n=84[55.6%])。其他常用的治疗靶点包括:血糖140~180mg/dL(n=65[43%]),大多数机构通过静脉胰岛素输注维持(n=110[72.4%]);中风发作后2~3天内开始肠内喂养(n=142[93.4%]);血氧饱和度(SpO2)>95%(n=80[53%]),潮气量为预测体重的6至8 mL/kg(n=135[89%])。

结论:AIS的ICU管理,包括治疗目标和临床实践策略,在不同的中心有重要差异。我们的研究结果可能有助于确定未来的研究和建立一个关于AIS患者ICU治疗目标的研究议程。J Neurosurg Anesthesiol

2021 Feb 9.

 doi: 10.1097/ANA.0000000000000761. Online ahead of print.

Intensive Care Admission and Management of Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Cross-sectional Survey of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine

Chiara Robba 1Martina GiovanniniGeert MeyfroidtMathieu van der JagtGiuseppe CiterioMartin SmithCollaborators

Affiliations expand

  • PMID: 33587531


  • DOI: 10.1097/ANA.0000000000000761


Background: No specific recommendations are available regarding the intensive care management of critically ill acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients, and questions remain regarding optimal ventilatory, hemodynamic, and general intensive care unit (ICU) therapeutic targets in this population. We performed an international survey to investigate ICU admission criteria and management of AIS patients.

Methods: An electronic questionnaire including 25 items divided into 3 sections was available on the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Web site between November 1, 2019 and March 30, 2020 and advertised through the neurointensive care (NIC) section newsletter. This survey was emailed directly to the NIC members and was endorsed by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.

Results: There were 214 respondents from 198 centers, with response rate of 16.5% of total membership (214/1296). In most centers (67%), the number of AIS patients admitted to respondents' hospitals in 2019 was between 100 and 300, and, among them, fewer than 50 required ICU admission per hospital. The most widely accepted indication for ICU admission criteria was a requirement for intubation and mechanical ventilation. A standard protocol for arterial blood pressure (ABP) management was utilized by 88 (58%) of the respondents. For patients eligible for intravenous thrombolysis, the most common ABP target was <185/110 mm Hg (n=77 [51%]), whereas for patients undergoing mechanical thrombectomy it was ≤160/90 mm Hg (n=79 [54%]). The preferred drug for reducing ABP was labetalol (n=84 [55.6%]). Other frequently used therapeutic targets included: blood glucose 140 to 180 mg/dL (n=65 [43%]) maintained with intravenous insulin infusion in most institutions (n=110 [72.4%]); enteral feeding initiated within 2 to 3 days from stroke onset (n=142 [93.4%]); oxygen saturation (SpO2) >95% (n=80 [53%]), and tidal volume 6 to 8 mL/kg of predicted body weight (n=135 [89%]).

Conclusions: The ICU management of AIS, including therapeutic targets and clinical practice strategies, importantly varies between centers. Our findings may be helpful to define future studies and create a research agenda regarding the ICU therapeutic targets for AIS patients.