
小细胞肺癌NCCN指南2017第3版 讨论 放射治疗

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Radiotherapy 放射治疗

The Principles of Radiation Therapy in the algorithm describe the radiation doses, target volumes, and normal tissue dose volume constraints for mainly limited-stage SCLC, and include references to support the recommendations; prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) and treatment of brain metastases are also discussed (see the NCCN Guidelines for SCLC).山东省肿瘤医院呼吸肿瘤内科张品良

The American College of Radiology (ACR) Appropriateness Criteria(C) are a useful resource.

The Principles of Radiation Therapy in the NSCLC algorithm may also be useful (eg, general principles of radiotherapy, palliative radiotherapy) (see the NCCN Guidelines for NSCLC, available at NCCN.org).
NSCLC工作步骤中的放射治疗原则也可能是有用的(如,放射治疗的一般原则、姑息性放射治疗)(见NSCLC NCCN指南,可在NCCN.org获得)。

This section describes the studies supporting the NCCN recommendations for SCLC.

A few reports have suggested that stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SBRT) might be useful for select patients with limited-stage SCLC; however, there are insufficient data to make a recommendation.

Thoracic Radiotherapy 胸部放疗

The addition of thoracic radiotherapy has improved survival for patients with limited-stage disease.

Meta-analyses that included more than 2000 patients show that thoracic radiation for limited-stage disease yields a 25% to 30% reduction in local failure, and a corresponding 5% to 7% improvement in 2-year survival when compared with chemotherapy alone.

However, achieving long-term local control using conventional chemoradiotherapy for patients with limited-stage SCLC remains a challenge.

Timing of Radiation with Chemotherapy 放射联合化疗的时机

The administration of thoracic radiotherapy requires the assessment of several factors, including the timing of chemotherapy and radiotherapy (concurrent vs. sequential), timing of radiotherapy (early vs. late), volume of the radiation port (original tumor volume vs. shrinking field as the tumor responds), dose of radiation, and fractionation of radiotherapy.

Early concurrent chemoradiotherapy is recommended for patients with limited-stage SCLC based on randomized trials.

A randomized phase 3 trial by the Japanese Cooperative Oncology Group assessed sequential versus concurrent thoracic radiotherapy combined with EP for patients with limited-stage disease.

They reported that patients treated with concurrent radiotherapy lived longer than those treated with sequential radiotherapy.

Another randomized phase 3 trial (by the National Cancer Institute of Canada)—comparing radiotherapy beginning with either cycle 2 or cycle 6 of chemotherapy—showed that early radiotherapy was associated with improved local and systemic control and with longer survival.

Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses on the timing of thoracic radiotherapy in limited-stage SCLC have reported that early concurrent radiotherapy results in a small, but significant improvement in overall survival when compared with late concurrent or sequential radiotherapy.

Another meta-analysis in patients with limited-stage SCLC showed that survival was improved with more rapid completion of the chemo/RT regimen (start of any chemotherapy until the end of radiotherapy [SER]).

A recent meta-analysis of individual patient data from 12 trials (2,668 patients) reported that early concurrent chemo/RT increased 5-year overall survival (HR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.69–0.91), although severe acute esophagitis was also increased, when compared with late concurrent therapy.
最近一项对12个试验(2668例)具体患者数据的meta分析报告,早期同时化/放疗改善5年总生存(HR,0.79;95% CI,0.69 - 0.91),虽然与晚同步治疗相比,严重的急性食管炎也增加。

Radiation Fractionation 放疗分割

The ECOG/Radiation Therapy Oncology Group compared once-daily to twice-daily radiotherapy with EP.

In this trial, 412 patients with limited-stage SCLC were treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy using a total dose of 45 Gy delivered either twice a day over 3 weeks or once a day over 5 weeks.
在该试验中,412例局限期小细胞肺癌患者DT45Gy bid 3周以上或qd 5周以上同步放化疗。

The twice-daily schedule produced a survival advantage, but a higher incidence of grade 3 to 4 esophagitis was seen when compared with the once-daily regimen.

Median survivals were 23 versus 19 months (P = .04), and 5-year survival rates were 26% versus 16% in the twice-daily and once-daily radiotherapy arms, respectively.

A significant criticism of this trial is that the doses of radiation in the 2 arms were not biologically equivalent.

In light of this, ongoing trials are evaluating biologically equivalent doses of 45 Gy delivered twice daily versus 60 to 70 Gy delivered once daily.

Another concern regarding hyperfractionation is that twice-daily thoracic radiation is technically challenging for patients with bilateral mediastinal adenopathy.

Another randomized phase 3 trial showed no survival difference between once-daily thoracic radiotherapy to 50.4 Gy with concurrent EP and a split course of twice-daily thoracic radiotherapy to 48 Gy with concurrent EP.

However, split-course radiotherapy may be less efficacious because of interval tumor regrowth between courses.

Overall, patients selected for combined modality treatment that incorporates twice-daily radiotherapy must have an excellent PS and good baseline pulmonary function.

Radiation for Limited-Stage SCLC 局限期小细胞肺癌的放疗

For limited-stage disease in excess of T1-2, N0, the NCCN Guidelines recommend that radiotherapy should be used concurrently with chemotherapy and that radiotherapy should start with the first or second cycle (category 1).

The optimal dose and schedule of radiotherapy have not been established.

However, 45 Gy in 3 weeks (twice-daily regimen) is superior to 45 Gy once daily in 5 weeks.

For twice-daily radiotherapy, the recommended schedule is 1.5 Gy twice daily to a total dose of 45 Gy in 3 weeks (category 1).

For once-daily radiotherapy, the recommended schedule is 2.0 Gy once daily to a total dose of 60 to 70 Gy (see Principles of Radiation Therapy in the NCCN Guidelines for SCLC).
对于每日一次放射治疗,推荐的计划是2.0Gy qd,总剂量为60-70Gy(见小细胞肺癌NCCN指南中的放射治疗原则)。

The minimum standard for thoracic irradiation is CT-planned 3-D conformal radiotherapy.

More advanced technologies may also be used when needed (eg, 4D-CT) (see Principles of Radiation Therapy in the NCCN Guidelines for SCLC).

The radiation target volumes can be defined on the PET/CT scan obtained at the time of radiotherapy planning using definitions in reports 50 and 62 from the International Commission on Radiation Units & Measurement (ICRU).

However, the pre-chemotherapy PET/CT scan should be reviewed to include the originally involved lymph node regions in the treatment fields.

The normal tissue constraints used for NSCLC are appropriate for SCLC when using similar radiotherapy doses (see the NCCN Guidelines for NSCLC, available at NCCN.org).
当使用相似的放疗剂量时,用于非小细胞肺癌的正常组织限制适于小细胞肺癌(见NSCLC NCCN指南,可在NCCN.org获得)。

When using accelerated schedules (eg, 3–5 weeks), the spinal cord constraints from the CALCB 30610/RTOG 0538 protocol can be used as a guide (see Principles of Radiation Therapy in the NCCN Guidelines for SCLC).
当使用加速时间表时(如3–5周),可以使用CALCB 30610/RTOG 0538协议的脊髓限制作为指导(见小细胞肺癌NCCN指南中的放射治疗原则)。

Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) may be considered in select patients (see Principles of Radiation Therapy in the NCCN Guidelines for SCLC and the NCCN Guidelines for NSCLC).
在选择性的病人中可以考虑调强放疗(IMRT)(见小细胞肺癌NCCN指南和NSCLC NCCN指南中的放射治疗原则)。

Thoracic Radiation for Extensive-Stage SCLC 广泛期小细胞肺癌的胸部放疗

Based on the results of a randomized trial by Jeremic et al, the addition of sequential thoracic radiotherapy may be considered in select patients with low-bulk metastatic extensive-stage disease who have a complete or near complete response after initial chemotherapy.

In this trial, patients experiencing a complete response at distant metastatic sites after 3 cycles of EP were randomized to receive either 1) further EP; or 2) accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy (ie, 54 Gy in 36 fractions over 18 treatment days) in combination with carboplatin plus etoposide.

The investigators found that the addition of radiotherapy resulted in improved median overall survival (17 vs. 11 months).

In patients with extensive-stage SCLC who responded to chemotherapy, a phase 3 trial by Slotman et al (Dutch CREST trial) reported that the addition of sequential thoracic radiotherapy did not improve the primary endpoint of 1-year overall survival (33% vs. 28%, P = .066), but a secondary analysis did find improvement in 2-year overall survival (13% vs. 3%, P = .004) when compared with patients who did not receive sequential thoracic radiotherapy.
在化疗有效的广泛期小细胞肺癌患者中,Slotman等人的一项3期试验(荷兰CREST研究)报道,与未接受序贯胸部放疗的患者相比,序贯胸部放疗的加入并不能改善主要终点1年总生存率(33%对28%,P = 0.066),但二次分析确实发现改善2年总生存率(13%对3%,P = 0.004)。

Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation 预防性脑照射

Intracranial metastases occur in more than 50% of patients with SCLC.

Randomized studies have shown that PCI is effective in decreasing the incidence of cerebral metastases, but most individual studies did not have sufficient power to show a meaningful survival advantage.

A meta-analysis of all randomized PCI trials (using data from individual patients) reported a 25% decrease in the 3-year incidence of brain metastases, from 58.6% in the control group to 33.3% in the PCI-treated group.

Thus, PCI seems to prevent (and not simply delay) the emergence of brain metastases.

This meta-analysis also reported a 5.4% increase in 3-year survival in patients treated with PCI, from 15.3% in the control group to 20.7% in the PCI group.

Although the number of patients with extensive-stage disease was small in this meta-analysis, the observed benefit was similar in patients with both limited- and extensive-stage disease.

A retrospective study of patients with limited-stage disease also found that PCI increased survival at 2, 5, and 10 years compared with those who did not receive PCI.

A randomized trial from the EORTC assessed PCI versus no PCI in 286 patients with extensive-stage SCLC whose disease had responded to initial chemotherapy; PCI decreased symptomatic brain metastases (14.6% vs. 40.4%) and increased the 1-year survival rate (27.1% vs. 13.3%) compared with controls.

Preliminary data from a Japanese phase 3 trial suggest that PCI did not improve survival in patients with extensive-stage disease who had MRI to confirm that they did not have brain metastases.

Late neurologic sequelae have been attributed to PCI, particularly in studies using fractions greater than 3 Gy and/or administering PCI concurrently with chemotherapy.

Thus, PCI is not recommended for patients with poor PS (3–4) or impaired neurocognitive function.

Older age (>60 years) has also been associated with chronic neurotoxicity.

When given after the completion of chemotherapy and at a low dose per fraction, PCI may cause less neurologic toxicity.

Before the decision is made to administer PCI, a balanced discussion between the patient and physician is necessary.

PCI is a category 1 recommendation for patients with limited-stage disease who attain a complete or partial response; PCI is a category 2A recommendation for patients with extensive-stage disease.

PCI is also recommended for all patients who have had a complete resection (see Principles of Surgical Resection in the NCCN Guidelines for SCLC).

The preferred dose for PCI to the whole brain is 25 Gy in 10 daily fractions (2.5 Gy/fraction), (see Principles of Radiation Therapy in the NCCN Guidelines for SCLC).

The NCCN Panel feels that a shorter course of PCI may be appropriate (eg, 20 Gy in 5 fractions) for selected patients with extensive-stage disease.

Higher doses (eg, 36 Gy) increased mortality and toxicity when compared with standard doses (25 Gy).

PCI should not be given concurrently with systemic therapy, and high total radiotherapy dose (>30 Gy) should be avoided because of the increased risk of neurotoxicity.
PCI不应与全身治疗同时给予,并且应避免放疗总量高(>30 Gy),因为增加神经毒性风险。

Fatigue, headache, and nausea/vomiting are the most common acute toxic effects after PCI.

After the acute toxicities of initial therapy have resolved, PCI can be administered.

For patients not receiving PCI, surveillance for metastases with brain imaging should be considered.

Palliative Radiotherapy 姑息性放疗

For patients with localized symptomatic sites of disease (ie, painful bony lesions, spinal cord compression, obstructive atelectasis) or with brain metastases, radiotherapy can provide excellent palliation (see Initial Treatment in the NCCN Guidelines for SCLC and the NCCN Guidelines for NSCLC, available at NCCN.org).
对于有症状的病变局部(即痛性骨损害、脊髓压迫、阻塞性肺不张)或脑转移患者,放疗可完美缓解(见小细胞肺癌NCCN指南和NSCLC NCCN指南中的初始治疗,可在NCCN.org获得)。

Orthopedic stabilization may be useful in patients at high risk for fracture because of osseous structural impairment.

Because patients with SCLC often have a short life span, surgery is not usually recommended for spinal cord compression.

Whole-brain radiotherapy is recommended for brain metastases in patients with SCLC due to the frequent occurrence of multiple metastases (see Principles of Radiation Therapy in the NCCN Guidelines for SCLC and the NCCN Guidelines for Central Nervous System Cancers, available at NCCN.org).

Although late complications, such as neurocognitive impairment, may occur with whole-brain radiotherapy this is less of an issue in patients with SCLC because long-term survival is rare.

The recommended dose for whole-brain radiotherapy is 30 Gy in 10 daily fractions.

In patients who develop brain metastases after PCI, stereotactic radiosurgery may be considered.